By Emre Bilginoglu, Attorney-at-Law, Istanbul, Turkey
Queen Mary’s College in Basingstoke, Hampshire, in the UK now has an E-sports BTec qualification, which it offers in collaboration with the British Esports Association, joining the global trend in the education of E-Sports. The qualification, the first in the UK, covers lessons in business, media and sport.
On the other side of the Atlantic, over 180 colleges across the United States have now included the subject in their collegiate programming lineup.
Icons, such as the highest earning E-Sports player in the world, Johan Sundstein, with some US$7.4 million from prize money alone, are contributing to the trend, creating certain expectations amongst young E-Sports fans and players.
Education, which has become a business in its own right, aims to capitalize on this trending phenomenon, and we expect that it will continue to do so, as E-Sports, as a business, keeps on growing around the world!
Emre Bilginoglu, who is also admitted to practise Law in the State of New York, USA, may be contacted by e-mail at ‘