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Unusual Sports: Swiss Cow Fighting Championship 2025?

By Prof Dr Ian Blackshaw

Although very popular, the 2025 Annual Swiss Herens National Cow Fighting Championship may be cancelled due to the lack of an organiser.

No breeding syndicate has so far come forward with an offer to organise the event, which is due to take place in May in the town of Aproz in the Canton of Valais.

In the past, breeding syndicates of the fiery Herens cows have come forward expressing an interest to organise this event, so, apparently, it is up to the National Federation to do so.

With fewer and fewer members of these syndicates, this may explain the lack of interest, despite the boost to local communities from tourists that attend the event.

Divided into age and weight categories this breed of cows, known for their natural fighting instincts, are freed into a ring in which they choose their opponents.  The ones that run away and those that lose three consecutive fights are eliminated from the competition.

The event is overseen by five referees, several veterinarians, for animal welfare reasons, as well as the animal owners themselves.

The winning cows command high selling prices and the competition is the reason for many farmers to continue breeding and raising these unique Alpine cows.

Prof Dr Ian Blackshaw may be contacted by e-mail at ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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